
New Fingerprint magazine has been published: Respecting the environment

November 13th 2009 – Company news

Nokian Heavy Tyres´ new Fingerprint magazine 2/2009 has been published in English, German, Russian and Finnish.

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Expansion in the environmentally friendly flotation radial tyre selection: Efficiency for versatile trailer use

November 10th 2009 – Company news

Nokian Heavy Tyres is expanding its offering of environmentally friendly flotation radial tyres designed for agricultural use. The new flotation product family features special properties particularly tailored for slurry tankers. The first sizes will become available for sales in March 2010.

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More agility for Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) Cranes

November 9th 2009 – Company news

The new Nokian RTG 18.00-25 adds more agility to the eight-wheel RTG cranes. RTG cranes move heavy containers, and their wheels typically feature stationary turning which demands high power from actuators. The structure and tread pattern of the new tyre are optimised for RTG harbour cranes.

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Steel-belted Nokian ELS Radial: Better durability and load-bearing capacity for massive trailers

November 9th 2009 – Company news

The Nokian ELS Radial customised for use in large farming machinery, trailers and slurry tanks is now also available in sizes featuring a steel belt.

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Tire Pressure LED: Brilliant but simple low pressure indicator

October 16th 2009 – Company news

The indicator is a simple and inexpensive solution to monitoring tyre inflation pressures.

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