Tyre innovations

 Ideas, manual work and high technology

The safety of our tyres stems from a thorough understanding of the Nordic conditions complemented by innovation – a continuum of ideas harnessed to improve safety, durability and environmental friendliness. The results of our work are tested in conditions in which only the toughest can make it. All of our product development work revolves around you and all other drivers, whose everyday driving and safety we want to enhance.

 Ideas, manual work and high technology

The safety of our tyres stems from a thorough understanding of the Nordic conditions complemented by innovation – a continuum of ideas harnessed to improve safety, durability and environmental friendliness. The results of our work are tested in conditions in which only the toughest can make it. All of our product development work revolves around you and all other drivers, whose everyday driving and safety we want to enhance.

Find the best tires for your car

Research and development

The main task of R&D is to support the company’s status as the manufacturer of the world’s best winter and forestry tyres. The key R&D principle has remained the same for 80 years: to develop tyres for consumers driving in northern conditions, who demand safety and durability from their tyres in all circumstances.

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Approximately 50% of product development costs are spent on testing. Adequate test results cannot be achieved just in laboratory conditions and through automated tests. Therefore we test our products in real-life environments.

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Safety comes from high technology, scientific achievements, experience and testing. For you and your family.

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Facts about tires

A quality tyre is the most important safety accessory on your car. It is a high tech product created by careful research and testing, and it requires maintenance.

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Test success

Our comprehensive product range is tailored for different markets. You can rely on our safe products under any conditions. Here is an overview of the comparison tests that our summer and winter products have participated in!

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Our world records

Testing at the extremes is at the core of activities and it requires unique skill. We need to try new things and test our limits. Only this will allow us to develop safer, more durable tyres in the future.

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