Nokian Tyres R-Truck - The road ends, the work continues

Nokian Tyres R-Truck - The road ends, the work continues


Tomi Tauriainen is responsible for Maakasi Oy's blasted stone hauling vehicles in the Orivesi mining site in Finland. The company has been testing Nokian Tyres R-Truck tires and equivalent Noktop treads for three years.

The ground can be rocky and sharp on the construction site. Besides grip, the wear, puncture and cut resistance are the most essential properties of a tire (according to Tauriainen). “Overall, with these features, Nokian Tyres defeats its competitors.”

“We drive about 9 kilometers downhill when we descend 1205 meters below ground level. The empty truck may have been slipping in the past, but the Nokian Tyres R-Truck holds.”

– Mr. Tomi Tauriainen

Tauriainen recommends the tire for dump trucks for mining, tunneling and crushing sites – but also for road transport: "In some cases, 30 kilometers on-road driving may be too much for mining tires – which might not have been even approved for on-road driving. The Nokian R-Truck, on the other hand, is also suitable for the road."