The company has defined its climate-related risks and opportunities according to the recommendations of Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In 2023, the risks and opportunities were reassessed.

In November 2023, the Quality and Sustainability Department organized a dedicated crossfunctional workshop on climate change-related business risks and opportunities. The aim of the workshop was to identify the most important risks for Nokian Tyres in each of the risk groups: physical, regulatory, market, technology and reputational risks. This was conducted along the recommendations of Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. Risks and examples are reassessed annually.

The following scales were used for severity and time horizon: 


  • Very low <0.1 EUR million 
  • Low 0.22 EUR million 
  • Medium 320 EUR million 
  • High 20200 EUR million 
  • Very high >201 EUR million 

Time horizon:  

  • Short <2030 
  • Medium 20302040 
  • Long 20402050 

As there is a growing demand for standardized, climate-related risk disclosure in the financial sector, we have prepared climate-related financial risk disclosures according to the IFRS S2 standard. The disclosures can be downloaded here (pdf).

Nokian Tyres is also committed to setting Science Based Targets in order to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In May 2020, these SBT’s were officially approved. In 2023, Nokian Tyres achieved one of its key climate targets seven years in advance and made a commitment to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The company is currently in the process of having new, more ambitious emission reduction targets to be validated by the SBT. The new scope 1 + 2 emission targets will be aligned with the 1.5 degrees pathway.


  Risk group Sub category Examples of concrete risks Time horizon Severity (Financial impact) Probability Adaptation / mitigation plan
Transition risks Regulatory Emerging regulation Deforestation-related regulation (EUDR), concerning natural rubber Short Medium High Follow-up of emerging regulation
Medium Low High
Long Low High
Green regulation on aviation and maritime fuels can significantly increase costs of logistics Short Low High
Medium Low High
Long Very low High
Further environmental fees Additional taxes and duties e.g. EU’s CBAM for fossil raw materials can increase prices. Carbon taxes. Certification costs Short Medium High Participation in industry sector working groups
Medium Medium High
Long Medium High
Stricter expectations to oversight Increased verification testing of products and emission measurements, including LCA, EPD Short Low Medium Follow-up of emerging regulations
Medium Low High
Long Low High
Technological Climate-related demands for new tire technology A+ rolling resistance tires required for EVs Short Medium Low Anticipation of future expectations in R&D development road maps
Medium Medium Low
Long Medium Low
150 km/h max speed for EU – demand for UHP (Ultra High Performance) tires declines Short Low Low
Medium Low Low
Long Low Low
Market and reputation Market changes Shift from car ownership to mobility-as-a-service i.e. changing customer base Short Low Medium Update product and service offering
Medium Medium Medium
Long Medium Medium
Tire raw materials Replacing fossil-based raw materials with more expensive renewable and recycled materials Short High High Road map for selective use of renewable and recycled raw materials
Medium Medium High
Long Medium High
Replacing raw materials that have a high carbon footprint with materials with a lower carbon footprint. Availability and price of materials Short High High Selective use of lower carbon footprint materials
Medium Medium High
Long Medium High
Energy Green energy prices go up due to strong demand Short Low High Long term power purchasing agreements
Medium Medium High
Long Medium Medium
Raw material and transportation price increases due to higher energy prices Short Low Medium Long term contracts
Medium Low Medium
Long Low Medium
Tire raw materials Availability of renewable and recycled raw materials can limit plans for sustainability Short Low High Aiming for multiple sources
Medium Low High
Long Low Medium
Tire demand Increased demand for all-season tires, decreased demand for winter tires Short Low High Update product offering
Medium Low High
Long Low Medium
Reputational risk Deforestation scandals (natural rubber) Short Low Low Co-operation with supply chain in line with GPSNR recommendations
Medium Low Low
Long Low Low
Unintentional incorrect sustainability information Short Low Low Systematic information verification practices
Medium Low Low
Long Low Low
Physical risks Physical Extreme weather events Disruptions in logistics and force majeure situations Short Low Medium Alternative transportation routes
Medium Low Medium
Long Low Medium
Permanent changes in logistics and/or increased force majeure situations (chronic) Short Low Low Alternative transportation routes
Medium Low Low
Long Medium Low
Impact of extreme weather events on natural rubber producers Short Low Low Alternative sourcing locations
Medium Low Low Alternative materials
Long Low Low Alternative materials
Extreme temperatures Contamination/lower quality of raw materials Short Low Low Multiple supply sources
Medium Low Low
Long Low Low
Extreme weather events Disruption on own production and/or distribution Short Low Low Location selection and building design. Insurances.
Medium High Low
Long High Low


Opportunity group Sub category Examples of concrete opportunities Time horizon Financial impact Probability Implementation plan
Innovation Raw materials Innovations with renewable / recycled / local materials Short Medium High Material development road map to reach 50% share of renewable or recycled raw materials by 2030
Medium High High
Long High High
Innovations with low carbon footprint raw materials Short Medium High
Medium High High
Long High High
Recycling Cooperation with innovative recycling companies Short Low High Screening of opportunities and widening of cooperation
Medium Medium High
Long High High
Climate-friendly technology Lower rolling resistance products. Climate-friendly production Short High High Product development road map. New zero CO2 factory to Romania being implemented
Medium High High
Long High High
Energy-efficient production Modern machinery used in Nokian Tyres’ factories Short Medium Medium New zero CO2 factory to Romania being implemented
Medium Medium Medium
Long Medium Medium
Product range Competitive advantage As an expert in demanding and challenging weather conditions, Nokian Tyres’ share in winter tire markets is strong. Readiness to increase the share further, should the extreme weather phenomena increase in the future Short Low High Innovations and developing product portfolio to meet future winter conditions, increasing consumer awareness
Medium Medium High
Long High High
Increase of all-season tire sales in Europe due to milder winters Short High High Developing product portfolio by deploying knowhow of winter conditions
Medium High High
Long Medium High
EU's ESG regulations Increased share of sustainable raw materials  Short Medium High Innovation and early adaptation of regulations
Medium Medium High
Long Low High
Tire regulation for wear resistance (abrasion) Short Medium High Product development
Medium Low High
Long Very low High
Industrial (heavy) tires Existing expertise to provide climate-friendly solutions, e.g. intelligent sensor technology Short Medium High Product development
Medium High High
Long High High
Engagement Consumers Increase awareness of how tires can affect safety and carbon footprint Short Medium High Consumer education through communications and marketing
Medium Medium High
Long Medium High
Policy makers Increased preparedness for new regulations or incentives Short Medium High Industry-wide cooperation and information sharing with decision makers
Medium Medium High
Long Medium High
Shareholders / stakeholders Climate-related sustainable financing and incentives Short Medium High Transparent sustainability targets, public reporting, collaboration with financial institutions, information sharing with stakeholders
Medium Medium High
Long High High
Regulatory Renewable Energy Directive and other climate regulation More renewable energy available in EU, prices can decrease Short Low High Own investments/partnering for green energy
Medium Medium High
Long Medium High
Global carbon tax or similar would improve the company’s competitive position Short Low Medium Further improvement of corporate carbon footprint
Medium Low Medium
Long Low Medium