Our people in numbers

Our people in numbers

At the end of 2023, we employed a total of 3,433 (-24.4 percent) employees with different skills and backgrounds. We report the number of all employees, including also those on a long leave of absence.

Our external workforce is mainly used for production workforce needs. At the end of 2023, we had 383 external workers (head count), most of them working in the Finnish factory production as private employment agency workers (274).

During 2023, we employed a total of 1,285 seasonal employees at Vianor. We have two seasons in a year when the headcount increases temporarily with approximately 500-700 employees.

73.0% of our employees were covered by collective bargaining.

Employee head count by gender
Gender Number of employees (head
Male 2788
Female 645
Employees by contract type, broken down by gender (head count)
Number of employees (head count)
  645 2788 3433
Number of permanent employees (head count)
  615 2658 3273
Number of temporary employees (head count)
  30 130 160
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees (head count)
  7 19 26
Number of full-time employees (head count)
  599 2734 3333
Number of part-time employees (head count)
  46 54 100
Employees by contract type, broken down by region (head count)
Number of employees (head count)
  2678 197 558 3433
Number of permanent employees (head count)
  2518 197 558 3273
Number of temporary employees (head count)
  160 0 0 160
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees (head count)
  26 0 0 26
Number of full-time employees (head count)
  2587 188 558 3333
Number of part-time employees (head count)
  91 9 0 100
Non-employee head count by gender
Number of supervised workers (non-employees) 
  131 252 383


Non-employee head count by region (head count)
Number of supervised workers (non-employees) 
292 18 73 383
Total workforce by gender
Head count of total workforce
  776 3040 3816
Total workforce by region (head count)
Head count of total workforce
  2970 215 631 3816
Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by gender, age group, and region 2023
  Nordics Other Europe North America Total
Total number of new employees 476 33 202 711
Number of women 92 13 49 154
Number of men 384 20 153 557
Number of under 30 years old 204 6 84 294
Number of 30–50 years old 216 26 87 329
Number of over 50 years old 56 1 31 88
New employee hires rate (total) 17.8 % 16.8 % 36.2 % 20.7 %
Percentage of women 19.3 % 39.4 % 24.3 % 21.7 %
Percentage of men 80.7 % 60.6 % 75.7 % 78.3 %
Percentage of under 30 years old 42.9 % 18.2 % 41.6 % 41.4 %
Percentage of 30–50 years old 45.4 % 78.8 % 43.1 % 46.3 %
Percentage of over 50 years old 11.8 % 3.0 % 15.3 % 12.4 %
  Nordics Other Europe North America Total
Total number of terminated employees (fixed terms not included) 271 34 101 406
Number of women 28 10 17 55
Number of men 243 24 84 351
Number of under 30 years old 61 4 37 102
Number of 30–50 years old 136 23 53 212
Number of over 50 years old 74 7 11 92
Turnover rate (total) 10.1 % 17.3 % 18.1 % 11.8 %
Percentage of women 10.3 % 29.4 % 16.8 % 13.5 %
Percentage of men 89.7 % 70.6 % 83.2 % 86.5 %
Percentage of under 30 years old 22.5 % 11.8 % 36.6 % 25.1 %
Percentage of 30–50 years old 50.2 % 67.6 % 52.5 % 52.2 %
Percentage of over 50 years old 27.3 % 20.6 % 10.9 % 22.7 %

Open positions filled by internal candidates: 42.5%

Voluntary employee turnover rate: 8.9%


Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender and age group 31.12.2023
  Nordics Other Europe North America Total
Number of individuals within the top management 9 1 0 10
Number of women 4 0 0 4
Number of men 5 1 0 6
Percentage of women 44.4% 0.0% 0.0% 40.0%
Percentage of men 55.6% 100.0% 0.0% 60.0%
Number of under 30 years old 0 0 0 0
Number of 30-50 years old 2 0 0 2
Number of over 50 years old 7 1 0 8
Percentage of under 30 years old 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Percentage of 30-50 years old 22.2% 0.0% 0.0% 20.0%
Percentage of over 50 years old 77.8% 100.0% 0.0% 80.0%
Number of white collars 1,227 193 181 1,601
Number of women 341 68 38 447
Number of men 886 125 143 1,154
Percentage of women 27.8% 35.2% 21.0% 27.9%
Percentage of men 72.2% 64.8% 79.0% 72.1%
Number of under 30 years old 89 8 17 114
Number of 30-50 years old 765 151 103 1,019
Number of over 50 years old 373 34 61 468
Percentage of under 30 years old 7.3% 4.1% 9.4% 7.1%
Percentage of 30-50 years old 62.3% 78.2% 56.9% 63.6%
Percentage of over 50 years old 30.4% 17.6% 33.7% 29.2%
Number of blue collars 1,442 3 377 1,822
Number of women 117 0 77 194
Number of men 1 325 3 300 1,628
Percentage of women 8.1 % 0.0% 20.4% 10.6%
Percentage of men 91.9% 100.0% 79.6% 89.4%
Number of under 30 years old 316  0 118 434
Number of 30-50 years old 736 3 185 924
Number of over 50 years old 390  0 74 464
Percentage of under 30 years old 21.9% 0.0% 31.1% 23.8%
Percentage of 30-50 years old 51.0% 100.0% 49.1% 50.7%
Percentage of over 50 years old 27.0% 0.0% 19.6% 25.5%


Composition of the Board
Number of women 2
Number of men 7
Percentage of women 22.2%
Percentage of men 77.8%
Number of under 30 years old 0
Number of 30-50 years old 1
Number of over 50 years old 8
Percentage of under 30 years old 0.0%
Percentage of 30-50 years old 11.1%
Percentage of over 50 years old 88.9%
Gender Breakdown
Percentage (0-100%)
Women in total workforce  18.8
Women in all management positions 16.3
Women in junior management positions 13.9
Women in top management positions 40.0
Women in management positions in revenue-generating functions 16.3
Women in STEM-related positions 16.1
Nationalities - altogether 37 different nationalies
Share in total workforce %
Share in all management positions %
Finland 51.0 48.7
United States of America 15.2 10.8
Norway 12.5 14.5
Sweden 12.3 15.1
Others 9.0 10.9

Average training hours per employee 2023 excluding onboarding type of training

Gender Average training hours per employee Employee category Average training hours per employee Age group Average training hours per employee
Female 6.2 Blue collar 4.0 Under 30 2.4
Male 3.2 White collar 3.5 30–50 4.1
        Over 50 3.8
Total training hours per employee 3.8   3.8   3.8

Average training cost per employee in 2023: €252.



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